Never skip a confusing step to “come back to it later.”

You probably learned to do this on exams, but this strategy does not work when building something. For example, when you’re building a house, you don’t “come back” to the walls after building the roof. YOU HAVE TO BUILD THE WALLS FIRST. Programming is no different. Things build on top of each other.

In this lab, you’ll be making the most awkward drawing program ever! (Don’t worry, next lab we’ll learn a much nicer way of getting input from the user.)

A note on autograding

The autograder is a dumb program. It is just programmatically feeding some inputs to your code and looking at the outputs. That means that if your program doesn’t perfectly match what the autograder expects, it marks it “wrong.” But that doesn’t mean it is wrong.

All actual evaluation and grading is done by a human. You should never trust what a computer says, and we don’t either. So don’t worry about if your submission is going to get a pointless 0 because it confused the autograder. There is a person at the wheel.

That being said, please try to make your prompt messages/outputs match my examples as closely as possible. It will make our job much easier because the autograder won’t be tripping over unexpected outputs, making us waste time by looking closely at a program that works fine but which the autograder couldn’t tell was okay.

Also if the autograder tells you to rename your file, rename it. Okay?

0. Getting started

  1. Right-click and “save link” or “download link”, and put it in a new directory/folder for lab 2: lab2_include.asm

    Make sure it really is saved as an .asm file and not .asm.txt!

  2. In MARS, create a new file, and save it as e.g. abc123_lab2.asm in the same directory that you put that include file.
    • but not literally named abc123. Use your username. Like mine is jfb42, so I name it jfb42_lab2.asm.
  3. Finally, in MARS, open the lab2_include.asm and have a look.

What the heck is all this stuff?

First is a macro called lstr. Macros are common features in assemblers that let you specify your own “fake” instructions. When you use the macro, its contents are copied and pasted where you use it, in an intelligent way. I’ll explain how to use lstr later, but I would say don’t create your own macros unless you know what you’re doing.

Then there are some…

Named constants

All the .eqv lines define named constants. For example:

.eqv COLOR_BLACK       64
.eqv COLOR_RED         65
.eqv COLOR_ORANGE      66

The Java equivalent would be something like:

public static final int COLOR_BLACK  = 64;
public static final int COLOR_RED    = 65;
public static final int COLOR_ORANGE = 66;

These are named constants. Named constants are wonderful. Names are wonderful. Whenever you have some “magic value” that has specific importance, don’t write it inside your code. Make a named constant for it.

These are not variables. You do not use lw with them. Instead, you can use them anywhere a constant is normally written (like in li, or as the last operand to an add, or as the second operand in a beq, etc.).

Also, don’t just write the value of the named constant when you need it. Use the name!:

# 71? why 71? what is 71?
li a2, 71
# ohh, it's the color white

Why do we do this? Not only is it more readable, it means we can change the value of the constant in the future, and none of the code that depends on it has to be changed. Every use of that value will be changed across the whole program, all at once.

After the named constants are…

The MMIO variables

Syscalls are one way of making our programs interact with the real world. But another way is by accessing the hardware directly with memory-mapped input and output, or MMIO for short.

Normally, loads and stores copy data between the CPU and RAM. But with MMIO, certain “magical” addresses refer to other hardware devices than RAM.

When you access memory at these “magical” addresses, the data is transferred between the CPU and the hardware device, instead of between the CPU and RAM. The CPU thinks it’s accessing memory, but the data is instead intercepted and sent to/received from another device instead.

With MMIO, a load (lw) becomes a general-purpose “get a value from a device” instruction, and a store (sw, sb) becomes a general-purpose “send a value to a device” instruction. That’s it.

Now, you don’t have to know anything about the variables in lab2_include.asm, and you should not use these variables directly. Instead, you should use…

The driver functions

These are the only way you should interact with the display. Have a look at their code. Notice that they are doing loads (lw) and stores (sw, sb) into those MMIO variables. They’re communicating with some “piece of hardware.” So what exactly are they controlling?

Our imaginary hardware device, the Display

In MARS, go to to Tools > Keypad and LED Display Simulator. Not Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulator. This will pop up a window. Click the “Connect to MIPS” button in the bottom left.


Once it’s connected, you don’t have to close the window or reconnect it. You can re-assemble and re-run your program as many times as you want while the display is open. I mean, yeah, it might be awkwardly in the way so you can close it, but… I’m just saying you don’t have to close it and reopen it every time you run your program.

How the display works

Keep scrolling…

…just a little further…

You didn’t just… scroll all the way down here without reading all the stuff up top, did you? No, you wouldn’t do that! Surely you wouldn’t skip reading all the incredibly important fundamental information I wrote so that you wouldn’t be super confused about everything. :)))))))))

1. Getting the display going by calling a function

So far you have only done system calls, which call functions in the fake “operating system” to do input and output. But you can call regular functions as well. The instruction to do this is jal, which stands for jump and link. (We’ll learn why soon.)

The display can operate in two modes: classic mode, which is backwards compatible with all the assignments I’ve given for the past, like, 5 years; or enhanced mode, which has a bunch of new features we’ll be making use of.

We have to do some special stores into some of the MMIO addresses in order to make the switch. That’s what the display_init function does for us.

Importantly, the display must already be open and connected to MARS before calling display_init, or else it will not switch into the new enhanced mode. So:

  1. In your _lab2.asm file, put this at the top (right after your name/username):

     .include "lab2_include.asm"
    • this will make all that stuff in the lab2_include.asm file available to your program.
  2. Make your main function as usual.
  3. In main call display_init by writing:

     jal display_init
    • Yeah, calling normal functions is a lot nicer because you get to use their names.
  4. Save and assemble your program, but do not run it yet.
  5. Make sure the display window is open and connected.
  6. Run your program.

It might not look like much happened, but look at the top of the display:

It should now say “Enhanced Mode!” So those weird sws in display_init did their job.

# oh what's that? you can't select
# this code? oh noooo guess you'll
# have to type it yourseeeeeelf :)
    jal display_init

    # print the command message
    # read a string from the user
    # branch to appropriate label
    # jump to _break
    # code goes here
    # jump to _break
    # code goes here
    # jump to _break
    # do the exit syscall
    # jump back to _loop

2. The main loop

If you’re starting this lab before the control flow lecture, you might be a bit confused, but maybe you should try jumping into the pool anyway. I can’t hold your hand through everything.

After calling display_init, put a _loop: label. This is going to be the start of our main loop. Make sure you name all your labels starting with an underscore. It might look a little funny, but this will be important once we start writing multiple functions.

You are about to build a switch-case (click this link). Your code is not going to look completely identical to that, but it will have a similar structure. In the code sketch to the right, _pixel, _color, and _quit are the case labels.

For printing strings, I’ve given you the lstr macro to make it easier. Here’s how you use it:

    lstr a0, "this is a message to print!\n"
    li v0, 4

Now you don’t have to go through the trouble of making all those variables, because lstr does it for you. (And you can like, see the string that you’re printing where you’re printing it)

For asking the user for string input, you did that on lab 1 already with syscall 8, so do the same thing again here. But after doing syscall 8, you have to get the first character out of the string so that you can switch on it. Here’s how you’ll do that:

    # this is what you learned to do on lab 1.
    la a0, input_buffer
    li a1, 10 # or whatever length you made it
    li v0, 8
    # get first character of input_buffer with lb (load *byte*) and switch on it
    lb t0, input_buffer
    beq t0, 'c', _color # single quotes!
    # etc...

Now you need to make your program behave like this (and read the notes after):

Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): c
<color unimplemented>
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): p
<pixel unimplemented>
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): l
<line unimplemented>
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): r
<rectangle unimplemented>
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): x
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): q

-- program is finished running --

You have to get this working correctly. This is the foundation for the rest of your program. If this doesn’t work right, the rest of the program won’t work right either.

3. The pixel command

The p command should work like this:

Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): p
Enter X coordinate: 10
Enter Y coordinate: 20
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit):

And that should cause the display to change like so:

WOw!!!!!!!!!! (if your display is dim, click on it. That “Click here to interact” message dims the display. We’ll be using the display’s own input stuff next time.)

Remove the <pixel unimplemented> message from this command when you implement it. That goes for every command.

Here’s what you need to know:

4. The color command

The color command lets the user choose the color to draw in. Here’s how it should work:

Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): c
Enter a color in the range [0, 15]: -1
Enter a color in the range [0, 15]: 16
Enter a color in the range [0, 15]: 5
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit):

Importantly, if the user enters something less than 0 or greater than 15, it should ask again. So how do we check that? Well there are actually a whole family of branch instructions, one for each kind of condition you can check:

Instruction Read as… Operation
beq a, b, _label “branch if equal” if(a == b) jump to _label; else go to the next line
bne a, b, _label “branch if not equal” if(a != b) jump to _label; else go to the next line
blt a, b, _label “branch if less than” if(a < b) jump to _label; else go to the next line
ble a, b, _label “branch if less or equal” if(a <= b) jump to _label; else go to the next line
bgt a, b, _label “branch if greater than” if(a > b) jump to _label; else go to the next line
bge a, b, _label “branch if greater or equal” if(a >= b) jump to _label; else go to the next line

You can put numbers in the branches! Idk why so many people miss this! It saves you so much time! Examples:

beq t0, 0, _its_zero

beq t0, COLOR_WHITE, _its_white # constants are numbers too!

blt t0, 128, _its_under_128 # any kind of branch can do it!

Now, what should we do with the number that they type in? Well:

  1. Make a color variable. It should be a .word and be initialized to COLOR_WHITE.
  2. After checking that the color they entered a valid color in the range [0, 15]:
    • add COLOR_BLACK to that number to put it in the range [64, 79]
      • remember, put the constant name in the add instruction. don’t use li or 64.
    • store it into color
  3. Change your p command code so that instead of using COLOR_WHITE for a2, it loads the color variable into a2.

Now, you should be able to change the color and put pixels of multiple colors onscreen. 1 is red, 2 is orange, 3 is yellow, 4 is green, 5 is blue, etc. Look, I drew the tiniest piece of a rainbow! It was a huge pain! lol

5. The line command

The line command draws horizontal lines in a single color. A line is a bunch of dots in a row. Here’s how it should work:

Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): l
Enter X coordinate: 10
Enter Y coordinate: 20
Enter width: 100
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit):

And it should draw a line 100 pixels wide, starting at (10, 20), in whatever color the user entered with c:

(Don’t worry about invalid widths. We won’t give your program any.)

How you write this is up to you. You will definitely need:

For all the values involved here (loop counter, X, Y, width), you could either use variables or s registers. It’s up to you.

Also, don’t forget to use the current color as the a2 argument to display_set_pixel.

Making sure you don’t have an off-by-one error

An easy mistake to make is to draw your lines one pixel too long. That’s an off-by-one error. To check, try drawing a line at (10, 10) that is 1 pixel wide. You should see a single pixel turned on, not a tiny rectangle (you can use the “Zoom” checkbox at the top of the display to zoom in on it). That is,

6. The rectangle command

The final boss. A rectangle is just a bunch of lines on top of each other. Here’s how it works (I’m just changing the color cause I’m bored of white; color 5 is blue):

Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): c
Enter a color in the range [0, 15]: 5
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit): r
Enter X coordinate: 30
Enter Y coordinate: 40
Enter width: 50
Enter height: 60
Command ([c]olor, [p]ixel, [l]ine, [r]ectangle, [q]uit):

And it will draw a 50x60 rectangle, with the top-left corner at (30, 40):

For this one, I would really recommend you store the Left, Top, Right, and Bottom (see below) in variables rather than using s registers. Once you start getting this many values, having s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 etc. it gets really hard to tell what the hell the code is doing. Variables have names, which make the code more readable:

    lw t0, right       # see, a name!
    blt s0, t0, _xloop # now we can see that t0 holds right

Left and Top: X and Y are kind of nondescriptive names for a rectangle, so I’d recommend naming the variables for the rectangle’s X/Y coordinates left and top or similar.

Right and Bottom: rather than storing the width and height of the rectangle, it will make your code much simpler if you keep track of right = left + width and bottom = top + height. That way, the loops in your code will just have to test if the loop counter is less than right/bottom.

Some pseudocode: since this is probably going to be pretty tricky for many of you at this point, here is some Java-like pseudocode for what you need to write:

    // x is a loop counter; an s register is a very good choice for it.
    // `left` is what the user typed in.
    int x = left;

    // load `right` into a register *right before* this branch. you *cannot* stick a variable
    // in a register and use the register in place of the variable throughout the code.
    while(x < right) {
        // y is another loop counter. another s register. `top` is what the user typed in.
        // it's SUPER IMPORTANT that you put this initialization inside the outer loop.
        int y = top;

        // again, load `bottom` right before this branch.
        while(y < bottom) {
            display_set_pixel(x, y, color);
            // the increment is the *last* thing in the loop


    // don't forget!

If your rectangle comes out looking like this:

Then you didn’t put the y = top inside the outer loop. You put it before the outer loop.


Off-by-one, again

Once again, you should test that drawing a 1x1 rectangle only turns on a single pixel.


First, be sure to test your program thoroughly.

Then, you can submit. Upload to Gradescope, once it’s open.

The last submission you upload is the one we grade.