My face
A slightly unsettling self-portrait

Contact Info

Email Addresses
SENSQ 5th floor, box 230
6509 SENSQ. On the 6th floor from the elevators, face the bathrooms, and go left. Go right and immediately left. On the right you will see a short hallway numbered 6515, with a paper sign on the door saying what rooms are inside it. My office is the one at the end on the left.

Who I Am

I’m a part-time instructor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Pittsburgh. I like computers! My specific interests include programming languages, graphics, sound, embedded systems, computer architecture, and game engines, but there are very few aspects of computer science that I’m not interested in.

My name has two r’s and two t’s. It’s okay if you spell it wrong, I really don’t mind. but for real why does everyone spell my name “Jarret”

What I Do

Current courses (Spring 2025, term 2254):

Previous courses: